Dromen met TJ Walker

Althans, geen hele rustige droom. Liedje Dreamcatcher heeft weliswaar een relaxte vibe over zich, maar rockt toch ook best wel. Met name door die gitaar. Anyway, Dreamcatcher is een meer dan prima Americana/Blues/Rock liedje. Wat TJ daar zelf over zegt:

It’s a song about a night out turning ending in an unexpected way. We encounter the protagonist noticing an interesting tattoo on a girl he’s talking to…as the evening progresses everything might not be as it appears. Lyrically it’s a country song, with bluesy guitars a sauntering groove, then enter the rhythmic organ sounds reminiscent of The Who and Moog lead sounds harking back to Keith Emerson. A funky chorus, with interesting rhythmic interplay and layered backing vocals, It would be tricky to put it in one genre but Americana, with a nod to 70s rock works!

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