Tag: <span>Kail Baxley</span>

Kom op, hebben we teveel gezegd? Shakedown Blues schreeuwt toch om dansen. Wij kunnen het niet, maar proberen het wel. Het zomaar geproduceerd kunnen zijn door Dan Auerbach. Of door leden van Lonesome Shack. De liedjes nemen je overigens mee op een trip door the Deep South:

there’s the cast of characters from the deep south, who KaiL carries with him every day. There’s his father, an outlaw who he only met once but insists is a good man. Then there’s his mother, who he visited on Sundays at the state penitentiary as a child. And his mother’s fellow inmate James Brown (yes, the James Brown) who sang at that prison’s church and taught a shy KaiL how to dance. And there’s his grandfather, whose anecdotes and wisdom KaiL will be quoting ad infinitum. Finally, there’s the best guitar player he’s ever met: his small town’s local mechanic.


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